martedì 28 novembre 2006

Eppur si galleggia...

Finalmente sono andato in missione sul Mar Morto... Naturalmente sotto copertura....

Ebbene si, dopo i primi tentennamenti per comprendere le nuove leggi fisiche che regnano sul Mar Morto. Il galleggiamento qui ha delle sue regole che anche Archimede avrebbe stentato a comprendere. E' persino difficile restare in posizione verticale.

Però diventa comodissimo leggere..



..... beh per il volo ci stiamo organizzando però ci siamo buone prospettive, alla prossima!!

1 commento:

B. ha detto...

trattasi di un fenomeno comunissimo in acque con quella concentrazione salina...ecco spiegato il motivo!
come va fratellino? qui tutto ok, sto ancora aspettando quella coa con cui riuscirò a galleggiare anche io...

Che cos'è Degania?

Degania Alef was founded in 1909 by seven Second Aliyah Halutzim (Halutz), who came from Rumania, on land acquired by the Jewish National Fund. Although the economically successful as a settlement, the group dispersed a year later. In 1911, the place was resettled by a group of pioneers from Russia known as the "Hadera Commune".

Degania Alef was the first settlement based on communal living and became known as the "Mother of the kevutzot". Members of Degania Alef insisted on maintaining the frame of the small kevutzah, as opposed to the bigger collective settlement - the Kibbutz - and therefore, in 1920, with the coming of Third Aliyah pioneers, Degania Bet was founded. In 1932, part of the land was granted for a third collective settlement - kibbutz Afikim.

View of Degania (1941) During the War of Independence, the Syrian army reached the gates of Degania Alef, but was bravely repulsed. A burnt Syrian tank remains on the site as a memorial. The two Deganias have a combined population of nearly 1,000. Due to the hot climate and abundance of water, both Deganias are engaged in fully irrigated farming. Degania Bet has also a metal factory and Kadish Luz were members of Degania Bet. A.D. Gordon, Arthur Ruppin, Otto Warburg and other founders of the labor settlement movement are buried on Degania Alef.